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Oh zerosa welcome back my friend.Happy to still alive xd

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Thanks, its good to be back.


Bro just beat the death allegations lol 💀

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Lol, still alive and plan to remain so, for a long time


Glad to have you back bro 🫡

hey just wanted to check in are you alright and is this game gonna get any updates?


Been over a year with no update so i'm gonna assume its abandoned


thats rather unfortunate


Is you alive dawg?

Is there gonna be on android

Is there pregnancy


Will aim to give this a go over the next couple of days.

I noticed you said it will always be free, I think you should look to invest some time in sites like f95 which is where I found this game. Sure their community can be a little too heavy on certain tags and get angry when games don't have or have certain tags but you might pick up a Pateron or two by posting on these sites under your game.


Thanks for the advice, I'll look into it.

Hi dev pregnancy in your plans??


Currently, no. But who knows, maybe in the future it might be added.


Hello! I am from a community of translators of games and vn eroges to Spanish.

Would you authorize us in the future to translate your game into Spanish?
Even to support you in the best way, we recommend you in our official discord.

Do not forget the Latin community, greetings. :D


Sure.  That would help a lot.


Played through and enjoyed, but there are some glaring grammatical issues, like "Am" instead of "I'm", or "been" and "being" used in place of each other. A good proofreader will definitely help fix those issues, but outside of that, really looking forward to the future of this.

just a heads up i noticed there is a typo in the disclaimer section of the game (if i remember correctly i think the word character is spelt wrong) 

great game tho keep up the good work

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Lol, thanks, will have it fixed by next update


I want ask first since this is the first release of the game (didn't played it yet but planning to)

estimated time of Gameplay?

what are your references? I mean series that, lets say, things that marked your humour or that could potentialy affect the developement of the VN

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My references and humour come from a combination of anime I've watched in the past (and a bit of craziness on my part)

But the story overall is based on inspiration I got from watching a bunch of anime and movies that are too many to list here:)

noticed that explicitly

nice game when update?

Already working on it, 

Next update could probably be at the end of the month


game just released chill a bit xD

hehe sorry i wanna see whats more:P

Bug: (besides the many other spelling/grammatical errors. Hit me up if you need a proofreader), Mr. Knight's nametag is consistently misspelled as Mr. Kinght

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Thanks for the bug report and the offer, 

Accidentally uploaded a test version which had a bunch of issues/errors

the correct version should be already uploaded by now